I had spotted the work on a previous trip dropping a cape off to TAK's office building and was close by last thursday. I snuck in, pulled my phone out and took a couple of quick pictures in the foyer. I then went to make my escape. I got to the electronic sensor doors and they wouldn't open. I tried to push the button to open the manual door and in perfect comic timing, I kept trying the door on the wrong click. I tried the sensor doors again...nothing. I had a quick look around, totally expecting to be arrested. Then, to my utter relief, a couple of people walked towards the building and ... Hallelujah...the doors opened. I then walked on as inconspicuously as possible and with all the "i didn't do it" speed my little legs could muster. Of course if anyone knows who did paint this, please let me know so I can credit where credit is due. :-)